Hrabchak Family

Homestead Pictures - Rosthern

Antonius and Parascevia Hrabchak
Photos of Lanivtsi, Ukraine
Family Trees (New)
Hrapchak Family History Book
The Crimson Boot by Patricia Pysyk Ogilvie
Ongoing Research
Homestead Pictures - Rosthern
Family Websites
Family Updates
Researching Your Own History
Contact Me - Sign the Guestbook

An aerial view of Anton and Parinka's homestead
that includes all the buildings!
More pictures of Anton and Parinka's homestead, the Holy Ghost Church outside Rosthern, the cemetery and any other pictures of our family's homesteads will also be posted here.  Keep coming back. 


Wheat Stalks just outside Rosthern, Saskatchewan

List of Surnames - Hrabczak

Here is a list all of the family names and variations
I've found while researching our family tree. 
Hrabczak - Hrapchak - Hrabchak - Rapchak - Rapchuk - Rabchak.

I have decided to keep the name of the website as the original Hrabchak name that Anton and Parinka used.  Since we have changed our name to various names I didn't want to name the "family site" one name and not the others as I wanted to include all of us in this site.  We all started out as Hrabchak's before we started to change our names.  When Anton and Parascevia immigrated they were under Polish rule so their name was spelled Hrabczak and now all the families in Ukraine use Hrabchak.  So, for research purposes and to connect to the original Ruthenian/Ukrainian name, Hrabchak it will be.  

Here the name will help us remember the life Anton and Parinka lived before us!  Po-Nashomu!   

Privacy/Security Issues

I asked all of my living relatives for permission to include information about them on this site. Some did not want their information published on the web, and others preferred I not include certain types of information (for example, birth dates). In all cases I have respected their wishes.
If you are uncomfortable with any information on this site, please feel free to contact me.

Hrabchak Family Website
For all Families across Canada, USA, Ukraine and Poland
