Hrabchak Family

Researching Your Own History

Antonius and Parascevia Hrabchak
Photos of Lanivtsi, Ukraine
Family Trees (New)
Hrapchak Family History Book
The Crimson Boot by Patricia Pysyk Ogilvie
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Researching Your Own History
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Since the Hrapchak History Book was published, many family members have been inspired to continue writing their own personal stories as well as expanding on their own immediate family history. 
On this page I'll describe how I went about researching the Hrabchak family history in the hope that it will inspire others to give it a try. First of all we used the Family Tree Maker computer program to organize all the family names which helped us to keep track of who is who and who belongs to who.  This was a necessity especially with our large family.  Then we pulled together all the important personal papers such as birth, marriage & death certificates, naturalization papers, homestead applications and morgage, insurance papers. 
These documents were immensly helpful to record important information about the family, learn about their life timeline and helped to locate where in Ukraine our family came from which made it easier to find the homeland's history.  

Here are a few links to interesting genealogy web sites I came across in the course of doing my research, such as:

Research Tips

Here are a few helpful tips about researching a family tree:

Be sure to evaluate the source of your information. Remember, you can't believe everything you read!

Talk to everyone in your family and then talk and talk some more.  You'll be amazed at the amount of information you will get when people feel comfortable for their memories to be remembered.  This works much better than just asking people for information. 

Remember, most everyone has two family names: your father's, but also your mother's. Don't feel you must restrict your research to just your paternal family tree.

Hrabchak Family Website
For all Families across Canada, USA, Ukraine and Poland
