Hrabchak Family

Antonius and Parascevia Hrabchak

Antonius and Parascevia Hrabchak
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Anton/Antonius Hrabchak 


Father: Basilius/Wasyl Hrabchak

Mother: Marta Lypka

Born & Baptized: January 29th, 1857 

Died: August 23, 1941

Married: February 25th, 1883 - in house #61 Lanivtsi, Borschiv, Ternopil, Ukraine 

Wife: Parasceva Dutka


Parasceva Hrabchak (Dutka)


Father: Andrij Dutka

Mother:  Yevdokia Kostiuk

Born & Baptized: October, 1862

Died: April 2, 1959

Husband: Antoniy Hrabchak

Anton's birth record

Parascevia's birth record

Anton & Parascevia's Marriage Record

New Information is now available after receiving information from our genealogy research in Ukraine.  We now have some new accurate birthday & marriage dates for Antonius (Anton) and Parascevia (Parinka) and their family.
The biggest news is that we found distant relatives in the same small village of Lanivtsi in Ukraine.  There was a Tymko Hrabchak who lived in Lanivtsi who had 7 children while his brother Oleksa had 1 daughter.  Today, there are a total of five families who are all Grandchildren of Tymko's.  Three families in Lanivtsi, one in Hlubichouk and one in Ternopil who are all Grandchildren of Tymko's.  
With new birth records from the village of Lanivtsi, we have been able to confirm that their "Tymko" and our "Tymko" are not the same person.  As of the summer of 2007, we have the families in Lanivtsi searching to see if they can find out our connection to their great grandfather Tymko Hrabchak.  Most likely he is a son of one of Anton's brother's and we only hope that their are records available to help us find the answer.  Unfortunately, many of the records for the years we are looking for have been destroyed due to the political unrest and wars that took place in Ukraine.  
I feel more strongly now... more than ever, that finding as many answers as we can from Ukraine is important.  Important because while there are Hrabchak families left there is no-one left with the Hrabchak name.  Only three elderly women are left who had the Hrabchak maiden name which of course means that before long the Hrabchak family name will be long forgotten in the land of our ancestors. 
Anton's update:
Anton's birth records show that he was born and baptized on January 29th 1857 (not June 10, 1857 as in book) in the village of Lanivtsi in house #61.  His father was Basilius/Wasyl Hrabczak (a laboriusus/Labourer) and his mother's name was Marta Lypka/Lapka who was the daughter of a Stephani Lypka/Lapka and though I need some help with translating it looks like Marta's mother was Arrenis Zadeneyko and Grandparents were a Joannes and Anna Zary - Labourers.    
Parinka's update:
Parasceva/Parinka Hrabczak was born and baptized in October 1862 (not November 18, 1859) which also means that she never lived to 99 years old, she lived to be 96 years old.  Parasceva's father was Andriy/Andrea Dutka and Parasceva's mother was Yvdokiya/Eudokeya Kostuik.  Andriy's parents (Parasceva's grandparents) where Panteleymonia Dutka (father) and Marti Shabash (mother)]
Anton & Parinka's Wedding information: 
On Anton and Parinka's wedding record it looks like they were married February 25, 1883.  Anton was 26 years old and Parasceva was 20. 
Information of Anton and Parinka's children found in the archives. 
Wasyl's update:
We have a new birthday for Wasyl/Basilius (Latin name) from his birth records in the archives.  Records show Wasyl was born on April 3 1892 (not March 18, 1892).  Now that we know Anton's father's name was also Basilius it's safe to say that Wasyl was named after his grandfather.
Anna Hrabczak's update:
Their records show Anna's birthday as August 5, 1894 which is the same birthday that we have.

To see full family trees for Anton Hrabchak and Parascevia Dutka just click here: Family Trees (New)


Descendants of Antonius Hrabchak

Anton and Parinka were married and raised six of their 10 children in the village of Lanivtsi, in the Borschiv region, of the province of Ternopil, Galicia, (Western Ukraine).  They were: 


1.      Hawrylo - Havrylo (Gabriel in Latin) a son born May 15th in 1883

2.      Dokeya – Yevdokiya (Eudocia in Latin) a daughter born in 1886

3.      Tekla (Thecla in Latin) a daughter born June 4th in 1889

4.      Wasyl – Vasyl is Basil (Basilius in Latin) a son born April 3 1892

5.      Hanna (Anna in Latin) a daughter born August 5th in 1894

6.      Tymko – (Timmy) a son born October 15, 1896


After arriving and settling on their homestead in Rosthern, Saskatchewan Canada, Anton and Parinka had four more children:


7.    John (Ivan) a son was born on June 9, 1900

8.    Alex a son was born August 2, 1902

9.   Peter a son was born March 20, 1904

10.  Mary a daughter born in 1905


From Hrabczak to Hrapchak/Rapchak

and then to it's original Hrabchak


Just for extra information, the meaning of our name Hrabczak/Hrapchak is the Hornbeam Tree.  The Hornbeam Tree is very predominant in the area that Anton and Parinka came from.  The hornbeam wood was never a wood of much consequence to the commercial forester because the tree trunks never attained saw-log status.  It is known for it’s incredibly tough wood and has been used for clogs, tool handles and for making wooden bowls and dishes.  The name Lapka means Foot and Dutka means Whistle.


Researching the Hrapchak genealogy for this family history book unearthed some great information.  In locating our history, we found that the only spelling used was Hrabczak which is the Polish spelling.  There were many Hrabczak’s found in the area known as Galicia and especially the Lemko region by the Carpathian Mountains.  The Dutka and Kowal name were very predominant names in the area as well.  Searching the above names in present day Poland came up with thousands of families living with the same names.  Further research hopes to find out more about the possibility that our ancestors originated from this Lemko area.


After WWI, (1920’s) Poland ruled over western Ukraine.  The term Ukrainian replaced Ruthenian.  Our family changed the spelling of their name because they wanted to ensure that they were recognized as Ukrainians and not Poles.


The whole Hrabczak family during this period changed their name from their “Polish” spelling of Hrabczak to the Ukrainian spelling of Hrapchak.  Some changed it legally, like Wasyl, while others just started using the Hrapchak name.  The rules of name changing were much more lenient then than now. 


Technically, our name should have been changed from Hrabczak to Hrabchak, but our spelling ended up as Hrapchak, as that is how it was pronounced.  Our ancestors just changed the spelling to how it sounded.  This is also why some of the same family ended up using Rapchak.  The new name of Hrapchak was now spelled in a way that resembled it’s natural Ukrainian heritage.

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For all Families across Canada, USA, Ukraine and Poland
